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API v2 - Agency Detail

Request the full agency record. The Record Detail request will return all of the data in a combined 'service' record, whereas this will provide all of the underlying records that comprise the service records.

• A valid API key is required for all requests and is placed in the url.
• A dataset parameter is required for all requests. Typically the province code but can be different for specialized data sets.
• The lang parameter is set to either the English (default: "en") or French ("fr") database. Not all records have associated French or English records.
• The id is the record ID (or ResourceAgencyNum) and should match an ParentAgencyNum ID returned from the search call.
• Additional fields can be requested and are comma separated.
• MapIDs=on can be used to return static ids (see field reference under Record Searching).
Field Reference
Results Reference


Retrieving an Agency Record
The resource ID can match any ID within the record family (Agency, Program, Site or ProgramAtSite).
Retrieving a Resource (Default)
Retrieving a Resource with Additional Fields